Who Are Our Members?
The Manitoba Arts Network aims to draw together all those involved in the arts and cultural industry within Manitoba. Our organizational membership base includes: arts administrators, cultural coordinators, arts presenters and exhibitors, recreation coordinators, municipal administrators, as well as those involved with libraries and museums from across the province. Our individual members include artists of all kinds, working in a wide variety of media, at any stage in their career. This encompasses visual artists, performing artists, and literary artists interested in networking, sharing, and tapping into a wide range of resources to expand their reach throughout the province.
Manitoba Arts Network Member Organizations:
Central Region
- Arts AccessAbility Network Manitoba (AANM)
- Creative Manitoba
- Dance Manitoba
- Golden Prairie Arts Council (Carmen)
- Manitoba Music
- Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art
- Pembina Hills Arts Council
- Portage & District Arts Centre
- Prairie Debut
- Southern Manitoba Concerts (Altona, Winkler, Morden)
- Tiger Hills Arts Association (Holland)
- Theatre Projects Manitoba
- United Community Arts (Pilot Mound)
- William Glesby Centre (Portage La Prairie)
- Winkler Arts + Culture
- Manitoba Chamber Orchestra
- Sarasvàti Productions
- South West District Palliative Care Inc.
Eastman Region
- Crow Wing Arts Council/St. Malo St. Pierre Arts Council Inc. (St. Malo, St. Pierre)
- Eastern Manitoba Concert Association (Pinawa)
- Sunrise Performing Arts Centre
- La Societé Historique de St-Georges Historical Society Inc. (St. Georges, RM of Alexander)
- Steinbach Arts Council
- Winnipeg River Arts Council
Interlake Region
Northern Region
- Aurora Borealis Arts Council (Snow Lake)
- City of Thompson
- Flin Flon Arts Council (NorVA)
- The Pas Arts Council (Sam Waller Museum)
Parkland Region
- Burrows Trail Arts Council (McCreary)
- Gladstone & District Community Centre
- Russell Multiplex & Recreation Commission
- Watson Art Centre (Dauphin)
- Wasagaming Community Arts
- Dauphin & District Allied Arts Council
Westman Region
- Arts Mosaic (Virden)
- Arts Forward (Neepawa)
- Carberry Plains Arts Council
- City of Brandon
- Kaleidoscope Concerts (Neepawa)
- Minnedosa Performing Arts Committee
- Prairie Vision Arts Council (Melita)
- Souris District Arts Council
- Southwest Showcase Inc. (Deloraine)
- The Classic Garden (Birtle)
- Killarney Turtle Mountain Arts Council
- International Peace Gardens