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Member Directory

Why make sure your organization is listed in the directory – because you will be more easily searchable by visual and performing artists who want to connect with rural Manitoba organizations for exhibition, workshop delivery, performing opportunities, and partnerships on special projects.

Why should visual or performing artists become a member and get a directory listing?

Because our members know that you are interested in working with, touring to rural and northern communities in Manitoba. It is a lot easier for our members to search our directory for artists than the entire web.

Axis Theatre Company

Axis Theatre Company

Genre(s): theatre, indigenous, family

Barbra Lica

Barbra Lica

Genre(s): country, jazz_blues

Beatrice Love

Beatrice Love

Genre(s): jazz_blues, indigenous

Showcasing Artist 2022

Blue Moon Marquee

Blue Moon Marquee

Genre(s): folk, jazz_blues

Bon Débarras

Bon Débarras

Genre(s): folk, jazz_blues

Buzz Brass

Buzz Brass

Genre(s): classical

Showcasing Artist 2022

Dizzy & Fay

Dizzy & Fay

Genre(s): jazz_blues

Showcasing Artist 2022

Geneviève Racette

Geneviève Racette

Genre(s): folk, pop

Pitch Artists 2022

Ideas Bobbert - Candy Roberts

Ideas Bobbert – Candy Roberts

Genre(s): mime_physical, puppetry, family

Showcasing Artist 2022

Jake Vaadeland & the Sturgeon River Boys

Jake Vaadeland & the Sturgeon River Boys

Genre(s): country, folk

Showcasing Artist 2022

JP Hoe

JP Hoe

Genre(s): pop

Showcasing Artist 2022

La Otra Orilla

La Otra Orilla

Genre(s): traditional_dance, contemporary_dance

Madeleine Roger

Madeleine Roger

Genre(s): contemporary, folk

Showcasing Artist 2022

Nelson Little

Nelson Little

Genre(s): country, indigenous

Showcasing Artist 2022

Newberry & Verch

Newberry & Verch

Genre(s): traditional_dance, folk

Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba

Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba

Visit Website

Arts Forward

Arts Forward

Visit Website



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Birtle Centre for the Arts

Birtle Centre for the Arts

Boissevain Morton Arts Council

Boissevain Morton Arts Council

Visit Website

Burrows Trail Arts Council

Burrows Trail Arts Council

Visit Website

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Carberry Plains Arts Council

Visit Website

City of Brandon

City of Brandon

City of Thompson

City of Thompson

Visit Website

Dance Manitoba Inc

Dance Manitoba Inc

Visit Website

Eastern Manitoba Concert Association

Eastern Manitoba Concert Association

Visit Website

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Flin Flon Arts Council

Visit Website

Gladstone Community Centre

Gladstone Community Centre

Golden Prairie Arts Council

Golden Prairie Arts Council

Visit Website

Green Acres Art Centre Inc.

Green Acres Art Centre Inc.

International Indigenous Hip Hop Awards

International Indigenous Hip Hop Awards

International Peace Garden

International Peace Garden

Visit Website

Kaleidoscope Concerts

Kaleidoscope Concerts

Visit Website

Killarney Turtle Mountain Arts Council

Killarney Turtle Mountain Arts Council

Visit Website

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Lake of the Woods Concert Group

Visit Website

Manitoba Opera

Manitoba Opera

Visit Website

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Minnedosa Performing Arts Committee

Visit Website

Municipality Of Russel Binscarth

Municipality Of Russel Binscarth

New Iceland Heritage Museum

New Iceland Heritage Museum

Visit Website

Pembina Hill Arts Council

Pembina Hill Arts Council

Visit Website

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Southwest Showcase Inc.

Visit Website



Visit Website

St. Andrews Heritage Centre

St. Andrews Heritage Centre

Visit Website

Steinbach Arts Council

Steinbach Arts Council

Visit Website

Sunrise Performing Arts Center of Excellence (the SPACE) Inc.

Sunrise Performing Arts Center of Excellence (the SPACE) Inc.

Visit Website

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Test Application for International Peace Gardens

TFAM -Textile and Fibre Artists of Manitoba

TFAM -Textile and Fibre Artists of Manitoba

Visit Website

The Pas Arts Council

The Pas Arts Council

Visit Website

Theatre Projects Manitoba

Theatre Projects Manitoba

Visit Website

Thunder Bay Art Gallery

Thunder Bay Art Gallery

Visit Website

Tiger Hills Arts Association

Tiger Hills Arts Association

Visit Website

Winnipeg River Heritage Museum

Winnipeg River Heritage Museum

Alana MacDougall

Alana MacDougall

Medium(s): drawing, painting, sculpture, other


Hugh Conacher

Hugh Conacher

Medium(s): photography

Touring Artist 2024

Jessie Jannuska

Jessie Jannuska

Medium(s): drawing, painting, textiles, other


Kristy Janvier

Kristy Janvier

Medium(s): other


Alyssa Crockett

Alyssa Crockett

Genre(s): cabaret, musical_theatre

Andrew Allen

Andrew Allen

Genre(s): folk, jazz_blues, pop, rock

Angelique Francis Band

Angelique Francis Band

Genre(s): folk, jazz_blues



Genre(s): pop, rock

Aurora Bella

Aurora Bella

Genre(s): folk, rock

Becky Lou

Becky Lou

Genre(s): indigenous

Bill Brennan and Andrea Koziol

Bill Brennan and Andrea Koziol

Genre(s): cabaret, jazz_blues



Genre(s): country, indigenous

Cohen Sieg

Cohen Sieg

Genre(s): folk, pop

Cory Gallant

Cory Gallant

Genre(s): country, folk



Genre(s): a_capella, jazz_blues

Dale Mac

Dale Mac

Genre(s): indigenous

Dan Frechette & Laurel Thomsen

Dan Frechette & Laurel Thomsen

Genre(s): classical, folk

Darryl Buck

Darryl Buck

Genre(s): indigenous

David Gogo

David Gogo

Genre(s): jazz_blues

Derek Evans

Derek Evans

Genre(s): theatre, family

Derina Harvey Band

Derina Harvey Band

Genre(s): country, folk

Diana Braithwaite & Chris Whiteley

Diana Braithwaite & Chris Whiteley

Genre(s): country, jazz_blues



Genre(s): folk, pop, rock



Genre(s): contemporary

Ethan Lyric

Ethan Lyric

Genre(s): country, folk, pop, indigenous

FLIP Fabrique

FLIP Fabrique

Genre(s): circus

Fred Bauer

Fred Bauer

Genre(s): circus, contemporary

Gator Beaulieu

Gator Beaulieu

Genre(s): country, indigenous

Heather Massie

Heather Massie

Genre(s): theatre

Huu Bac Quach

Huu Bac Quach

Genre(s): jazz_blues, global

Ila Barker

Ila Barker

Genre(s): folk, indigenous

Ivy Venin

Ivy Venin

Genre(s): folk, rock, indigenous

Jack Semple

Jack Semple

Genre(s): jazz_blues

Jamie Oliviero

Jamie Oliviero

Genre(s): theatre, spoken_word, family

Jane & Kyle

Jane & Kyle

Genre(s): folk, traditional

Jared Adams

Jared Adams

Genre(s): folk, rock

Jeannine Guyot

Jeannine Guyot

Genre(s): country, folk

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Jesse Bandura

Genre(s): country, indigenous

Jesse Ryan

Jesse Ryan

Genre(s): jazz_blues, global

John D Huston

John D Huston

Genre(s): theatre

Kelly Bado

Kelly Bado

Genre(s): folk, global

Kenneth Henderson

Kenneth Henderson

Genre(s): rock, indigenous

Kristen McKay

Kristen McKay

Genre(s): folk, indigenous

Lana Winterhalt

Lana Winterhalt

Genre(s): pop, rock

Laura Lucas

Laura Lucas

Genre(s): folk

Leisa Way

Leisa Way

Genre(s): cabaret, country, folk, jazz_blues, theatre, musical_theatre, pop, rock, traditional

Leslie McCurdy

Leslie McCurdy

Genre(s): theatre

LJ Tyson

LJ Tyson

Genre(s): country, indigenous

Luke McMaster

Luke McMaster

Genre(s): jazz_blues, pop, rock

Lynne Hanson

Lynne Hanson

Genre(s): folk

Martin Desjarlais

Martin Desjarlais

Genre(s): country, indigenous

Matt Gore - The Ginger Ninja

Matt Gore – The Ginger Ninja

Genre(s): theatre, magic

Matt Zaddy & the River North

Matt Zaddy & the River North

Genre(s): folk, pop, rock

Michael Harrison

Michael Harrison

Genre(s): new_vaudeville, puppetry

Michelle Foster

Michelle Foster

Genre(s): cabaret, theatre

Mitchel Makoons

Mitchel Makoons

Genre(s): rock, indigenous

Norway Rabliauskas

Norway Rabliauskas

Genre(s): country, jazz_blues, rock, indigenous

Peter Katz

Peter Katz

Genre(s): folk, pop, rock

Quote The Raven

Quote The Raven

Genre(s): country, folk

Ragged Road

Ragged Road

Genre(s): folk, pop, rock

Raine Hamilton

Raine Hamilton

Genre(s): classical, folk

RAS Creative

RAS Creative

Genre(s): folk, pop, rock

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Rick the Saxophonist

Genre(s): jazz_blues

Rickyson Makwe

Rickyson Makwe

Genre(s): contemporary_dance, hip_hop_rap



Genre(s): folk, family



Genre(s): folk, pop, rock

S.E. Grummett

S.E. Grummett

Genre(s): theatre, puppetry



Genre(s): pop, rock

Scott MacKay

Scott MacKay

Genre(s): country, folk

Scott Nolan and Friends

Scott Nolan and Friends

Genre(s): classical, folk



Genre(s): country, folk

Shane Cook & The Woodchippers

Shane Cook & The Woodchippers

Genre(s): traditional_dance, folk

Sherri Shorting

Sherri Shorting

Genre(s): indigenous

Sinha Danse

Sinha Danse

Genre(s): contemporary_dance

Stéphanie Morin-Robert

Stéphanie Morin-Robert

Genre(s): comedy, theatre

The Button Factory Band

The Button Factory Band

Genre(s): jazz_blues, experimental

The Prairie Joggers

The Prairie Joggers

Genre(s): folk, rock

The Street Circus

The Street Circus

Genre(s): circus, new_vaudeville

The Wanted

The Wanted

Genre(s): folk

Théâtre à l

Théâtre à l'Envers

Genre(s): theatre, puppetry



Genre(s): classical, theatre, opera

Yung Gio

Yung Gio

Genre(s): hip_hop_rap

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