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Member Help

To Log In to Your Member Account

  1. Click on ‘Log In’ under the Members section at the bottom of the page (this is on all pages)
  2. A pop-up will appear – enter your username and password
  3. If you do not remember your password, click ‘Forgot your password at the bottom of the pop-up. You will be asked for either your username or email address that you used when you signed up for your membership. If you cannot remember either, please contact the Manitoba Arts Network office at
  4. Once you have successfully logged in the pop-up will display “Login successful, you can close this window.” Use the ‘X’ in the top right corner of the pop-up to close it and the current page you were on will reload.

To Edit your Directory Information

  1. Login into your Member Account (see above)
  2. Click on ‘My Profile’ under the Members section at the bottom of the page (this is on all pages)
  3. This will take you to your Member Profile
  4. Edit any field in your profile, choose to hide your profile from the Member Directory, and upload or change your profile pic at the bottom of the profile fields
  5. To save any changes to your profile click the ‘Update Profile’ button at the bottom of the page.

To Add an Event to the Manitoba Arts Events Calendar

  1. Go to Manitoba Arts Events -> Events Calendar (
  2. Click the ‘Submit an Event’ Button at the top of the page.
  3. Fill out the form including
    • Event Title
    • Event Description
    • Event Time & Date – use the ‘Schedule Multiple Events’ button for recurring events
    • Event Image: image must be a .jpg, .png, or .gif file and under 2 MB in size.
  4. Choose and Event Category from the existing categories (you can choose multiple categories, but please select Community Events as one of them)
  5. Choose a tag or leave blank
  6. Add a Venue from the drop down list or create a new venue by typing the name of the venue. The form will then ask for address details
  7. Add an Event Organizer from the drop down list or create a new organizer by typing the name of the venue. The form will then ask organizer details
  8. Add an Event Website – enter the url for your event’s website if you have one.
  9. Enter the Event Cost. Leave blank to hide the field. Enter a 0 to list the event as FREE.
  10. Read and check the Terms of Agreement.
  11. Click the ‘Submit Event’ button.
  12. A Manitoba Arts Network staff will review your submission and will approve the event or will be in touch with any questions before publishing your event.