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Journeys in Thread Fibre Art Symosium

Birtle Community Hall 160Centre St., Birtle, Mb

Featuring: Five Artist presenters and an Art Therapist will provide information, inspiration and a workshop TFAM Shifting Perspectives Exhibit, SAQA Touch Exhibit Vendors will be…

Open Mic Night

Pembina Hills Arts Council 352 Stephen Street, Morden

It's Open Mic Night at the gallery!   There is no admission, so stop by and enjoy some live entertainment along with a cash bar.…


Manitoba Rural and Northern Juried Art Show

This annual exhibition features award-winning artworks in a variety of media by over 50 rural and northern Manitoba artists from the regional juried arts shows…

A Manitoba Bluegrass Jamboree

Crescent Arts Centre 525 Wardlaw Ave, Winnipeg

A Manitoba Bluegrass Jamboree Oct 15, 2022 - 730pm Featuring: The Stanley County Cut-Ups Stony Point Power Trio Andrew Galloway  Crescent Fort Rouge United Church,…


Rainbow Game Night

Pembina Hills Arts Council 352 Stephen Street, Morden

Do you have family over for the holidays and need a brief break?  Have you not been keeping up with the rules of Monopoly?  Have…


Intro to Pottery w/ Renae Hildebrand

Pembina Hills Arts Council 352 Stephen Street, Morden

Learn the basics of how to make your own pottery! You will be learning hand building as well as using the wheel. This course runs…


Mixed Media Course with Liza Isakov

Pembina Hills Arts Council 352 Stephen Street, Morden

Dates: Mondays January 23rd - March 27th @ 4:00 - 5:15pm Ages: 8-12 Fee: $100 Location: PHAC Upstairs Classroom Liza Isakov will introduce young artists…


Kids Pottery Course with Liza Isakov

Pembina Hills Arts Council 352 Stephen Street, Morden

Dates: Thursdays January 26 - March 30, 2023 @ 4:00 - 5:15pm Ages: 8-12 Fee: $100 Location: PHAC Upstairs Classroom Liza Isakov will introduce your…


Ice Sculpture Workshop

lake minnewasta 100 Colert Road, Morden

Join us on February 3rd & 4th for some winter time fun learning the basics of ice sculpture! On Friday the 3rd, visitors can learn…


Pastel Nagomi for Kids with Angel Mok

Pembina Hills Arts Council 352 Stephen Street, Morden

Angel Mok is teaching the basics of pastel Nagami for kids in this fun workshop for youth ages 5 – 8! Students will learn the…


Pastel Nagomi Art Workshop with Angel Mok

Pembina Hills Arts Council 352 Stephen Street, Morden

This is a one day class for ages 9+ Pastel Nagomi Art is a form of self-healing art founded in Japan by Mr. Hosoya Norikatsu…


Paint & Sip Night with Dani Johnson

Pembina Hills Arts Council 352 Stephen Street, Morden

Paint & Sip Night with Dani Johnson Date: Friday Feb. 24, 2023 Time: 7-9pm Ages: 18+ - NO KIDS - NO EXCEPTIONS Registration includes 1…
